branches of desert valleys crossing an escarpment in western Thebes are named
the Valley of the Kings. A western branch of the Valley of the Kings,
presently called the Valley of the Apes (in Arabian: Wadi el-Gurud, Biban
el-Gurud) became a burial site for Amenhotep III and Ai II – rulers of the 18th
Dynasty. Their tombs were hewn in a bed-rock. Eastern part of the valley, from
Arabian - Biban el-Muluk (Gates of Kings), was used as a burial site for
kings of Dynasties XVIII, XIX, XX as well as for other royal family members.
There are 64 numbered tombs in the East and West Valleys, plus another 20
unfinished pits and shafts designated A-T. The first 21 tombs numbers were
assigned by John Gardner Wilkinson in 1827. His system numbered tombs from the
entrance of KV southward, then from west to east. Since then, tomb numbers 22 to
62 been assigned in the approximate order of discovery.
KV1 - Ramesses
VII (XX Dynasty) KV2 -
Ramesses IV (XX
Dynasty) KV3 -
Ramesses III (unfinished tomb intended
for one of his sons, XX Dynasty) KV4 -
Ramesses XI (XX
Dynasty) KV5 -
tomb of
Ramesses II' sons (XIX
Dynasty) KV6 -
Ramesses IX (XX Dynasty) KV7 -Ramesses II (XIX
Dynasty) KV8 -
Merenptah (XIX Dynasty) KV9 -
Ramesses V & VI (Greek travelers called
"tomb of Memnon") KV10-
Amenemose KV11-
Ramesses III (originally Setnakht) KV12 - unknown of royal
family tomb
(XVIII Dynasty) KV13- Bay (chancellor of
Siptah, decline of XIX
Dynasty) KV14-
and, maybe,
Seti II (tomb taken over by
Sethnakht) KV15 -
Seti II KV16 -
Ramesses I KV17 -
Seti I KV18-
Ramesses X KV19-
Montuherkhopshef (son of Ramesses IX) KV20- Tuthmosis
I & Hatshepsut (the first tomb in Valley of the Kings) KV21- "Tomb of Two
Queens" (XVIII Dynasty) WV22-
Amenhotep III (Western Valley) WV23-
(Western Valley) WV24 - unknown
tomb (XVIII Dynasty) WV25 - unknown
possibly tomb of Akhenaten (XVIII Dynasty) KV26...KV31 - unknown
tombs (XVIII Dynasty)
KV32 - tomb of Tiaa, mother of Totmes IV
KV33 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty) KV34- Tuthmosis III
Dynasty) KV35 - Amenhotep II
(place of located many royal mummies, XVIII Dynasty) KV36 - Maiherperi (XVIII Dynasty,
official ofTuthmosis IV)
KV37 - unknown tomb from XVIII
Dynasty, probably used by
robbers as a storeroom KV38 - Tuthmosis I
relocated from tomb KV20 byTuthmosis III
) KV39 - possibly tomb of Amenhotep I (XVIII Dynasty)
KV40...KV41 - unknown tombs(XVIII
KV42 - possibly tomb of Sennefer,
director of Thebes undrer Tuthmosis II or Hatshepsut-Meritre, wife
of Tuthmosis
III (XVIII Dynasty) KV43 - Tuthmosis IV
(XVIII Dynasty)
KV44 - unknown tomb from XVIII Dynasty, probably brother of Queen Tiji,
Aanen, re-used during XXII Dynasty for Tentkare
KV45 - Userhet (XVIII Dynasty) KV46 - Yuya and Tjuyu
(parents of queen Tiji, XVIII Dynasty) KV47 - Siptah
(XIX Dynasty)
KV48 - vizier Amenemopet (XVIII Dynasty)
KV49 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV50...KV52 - animal tombs (XVIII Dynasty)
KV53 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty)
KV54 - Tutankhamun cache (XVIII
Dynasty) containing embalming material and elements of a funerary meal KV55 - amarna cache - Tiji (?),
Smenkhkare (?),
Akhenaten (?)
KV56 - "Gold Tomb" probably for daughter of
Seti II
contained splendid jewellery bearing names of Ramesses II, Seti II and
Tawoseret KV57 - Horemheb
(XVIII Dynasty)
KV58 - nunknown burial shaft (annex Tutankhamun's tomb) contained gold
foil bearing the names of Tutankhamun
and Ai
KV59 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty) KV60 - Sitre (called In), wet nurse of Queen
Hatshepsut (XVIII Dynasty)
KV61 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty) KV62 - Tutankhamun
(originally tomb of Ai II, XVIII
KV63 - unknown tomb (XVIII Dynasty), probably cache for unused funeral
KV64 - dicscovered by the University of Basel team in January of 2011,
Nehemes-Bastet tomb, father of Karnak priest (XVIII Dynasty), usurped in
time of XXII Dynasty