Valley of the Kings
- KV39 tomb of Amenhotep I - XVIIIth
tomb was discovered 1899
by Victor Loret. It is one of the most mystifing tombs in
Valley. The most extraordinary feature of the sepulchre is its eccentric plan
with two systems of corridors and chamers. The
king's mummywas
discovered in the Deir el-Bahari
in 1881. It had been
restored in Year 6 Pharaoh Smendes, 4th month of peret-season, day 7, next in
time of Siamun and, finally transfer it to the cache DB320 during the reign of
Sheshonq I.
A - entrance
B - east corridor
C - east chamber
D -
pit in floor to receive coffin E -
south chamber