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Valley of the Kings - KV8
tomb of Merenptah - XIXth Dynasty

Merenptah’s tomb became model for royal tombs at the decline of dynasties XIX and XX. It is featured by straight axe, concaved reliefs and less numerous, compared to former hypogea, auxiliary chambers. Walls are decorated with extracts from “the book of the underworld”, ceiling in the funerary chamber carries astronomical symbols. The king’s mummy was nestled within four sarcophagi. Three of them were of pink granite and the most internal one – of alabaster. The third sarcophagus  had been removed from the tomb during the XXIst Dynasty for the burial of Psusennes I at Tanis. At the end of dynasty XX the mummy  was moved to the tomb of Amenhotep II – KV35 and discovered with other royal mummies in 1898 by Victor Loret.


Burial chamber with sarcophagus lid.


A - entrance (images of different aspects of the sun god flanked by Isis and Nephtys)
B - first corridor
(image of king before Re-Horakhty and scenes from the Litany of Re)
C - second corridor
(scenes from the Litany of Re)
D - third corridor
(scenes from Amduat)
E - well shaft
(scenes from the Amduat and images of various deities)
F - first pillared hall
(Osiris shrine, scenes from the Book of Gates and images of the king before various deities)
G - side chamber
(various deities)
Ga - niche-like room
(dedicated to Ramesses II)
H, J - lower corridors
('opening of the mouth' ceremony)
I - repositioned anteroom, discarded sarcophagus lid against wall
(scenes from the Book of the Dead)
- burial chamber with sarcophagus
(walls decorated with scenes from the Book of Gates and Book of Caverns; astronomical ceiling painted on vault)
Ka, Kb, Kc, Kd - four side rooms
L, La, Lb, Lc - four rear rooms

Mumia Merenptaha 


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