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Deir el-Bahari ( Western Thebes )

Valley, which name means i arabic Northern Monastery,  in Western Thebes, between el-Asasif and Valleys, Kings' and Queens', comprising temples  and tombs dating from the early Middle Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period. The site consists of a deep bay in the cliffs containing the remains of of the temples of Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre, Hatshepshut and Tutmosis III, excavated by Polish archeological expedytion. The temple of Hatshepshut is the best preserved of the three, consisting of three colonnaded terraces imitating the architectural style of Mentuhotep's much earlier funerary complex immedietely  to the south of it.  Works on the design and their performance were directed presumably by Senenmut, the queen’s architect who held also many other court  responsibilities. His second tomb (the first – TT71 at el-Qurna necropolis) – DB353 was found nearby. Works on reconstruction of this ancient Egyptian structure for many years have been carried on by Polish archaeologists and restorers. Examinations and restoration works started in 1960 by Kazimierz Michalowski and continued through next years resulted in partial opening of the temple for visitors.


   1 - colonnade with shrine
 2 - entrance to royal tomb of Mentuhotep II
 3 - peristyle court
 4 - mastaba (or pyramid) style bulding
 5 - ramp
 6 - kiosk of Tuthmosis III
 7 - Bab el-Husan - entrance to the royal cenotaph
 8 - forecourt
 9 - causeway of Mentuhotep II
 10 - causway of Tuthmosis III
 11 - causway of Hatshepsut

 12 - first court
 13 - ramp
 14 - lower colonnade
 15 - upper court
 16 - middle colonnade
 17 - upper colonnade
 18 - ramp
 19 - north colonnade
 20 - temple of Anubis
 21 - shrine of Anubis
 22 - Re-Harakhte court
 23 - Amon's sanctuary
 24 - sanctuary of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut
 25 - temple of Hathor
 26 - temple of Tuthmosis III


 The most important private tombs excavated at Deir el-Bahari are those of Meketra (XII Dynasty), which contained many painted wooden funerary models, tomb of Senenmut (TT353) on necropolis of nobles, and  XIth Dynasty shaft tomb at the southern end of Deir el-Bahari contained a cache (DB320) of many royal mummies from the Valley of the Kings reinterred there by priests of Amon during XXI Dynasty. Below full list of tombs on necropolis of nobles.

308 - Kemsit, Prophetess of Hathor, time of Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
310 - [unknown], Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, XI Dynasty
311 - Khety, Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt, Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre. 
312 - Nespakaishesuti, Governor of Town and Vizier, time of Psametik I
313 - Henenu, Great Steward, time of Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
314 - Horhotep, Seal-Bearer of the King of Lower Egypt, XI Dynasty
315 - Ipi, Governor of the Town and Vizier, Judge, time of Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre
316 -
Neferhotep, head archer, early Middle Kingdom
319 - Neferu, king's daughter of Mentuhotep II Sankhibtawi, XI Dynasty  

          relief z grobowca

320 - Inhapy, royal cache
353 - Senenmut, High Steward, time of Hatshepsut
358 -
Ahmes-Meritamun, King's Wife of Amenhotep II, Daughter of Tuthmosis III, XVIII Dynasty



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