Khafre built his pyramid
on the Gizeh Plateau, southwest of his
father's pyramid. The pyramid has a side length of 215 m, although it
was originally planned that the sides are 30 m longer. The original
height is 143.5 m and the angle of inclination of the walls 53° 10'.
However, the system of rooms, compared to the
Khufu Pyramid, is much simplified. The upper corridor begins with an
entrance (called the second or higher), paved with blocks of pink
granite, at a height of 11.5 m on the north side and leads down to the
rock core. A barrier made of pink granite was placed in the place where
the horizontal corridor starts. Then horizontally, on a length of 56 m,
to a burial chamber measuring 5 x 14.2 m and high 6.8 m and situated in
the vertical axis of the pyramid. In the burial chamber, completely (except
for the gable of the vault) carved in the rock, lined with stone, there
is a sarcophagus with age made of granite. The lower corridor runs from
the north side from ground level (entrance called first or lower) down
through 34.2 m, then horizontally further 15.8 m, then upwards 22.4 m,
where it connects to the upper corridor. A 6.7-meter-long walkway
leading to the rock bottom chamber (3.1 x 10.4 m, height: 2.6 m) goes
out from the horizontal corridor, with a gable vault, in which probably
a part of the funerary equipment was stored. Two pavement systems
reflect two different phases of pyramid construction. To the west of the
wall surrounding the pyramid, there are warehouses and barracks of
workers. The pyramid was covered in the lower parts with Aswan granite,
the rest is limestone from Tur. On its southern side there is a cult
pyramid, in the east a burial temple (the temple and the vestibule,
courtyard for the cult with a detour, the temple proper in which the
victims died with five chapels for statues), next to it five shafts on
shoulders. From the lower temple of Khafre (the best preserved temple of
Egypt from the time of the Old State) runs a 500 m long ramp, once
roofed and decorated with bas-reliefs. Through the two gates, where the
sphinxes stood in ancient times, through the porticos and connecting
sidewalk, there is a column hall with 16 granite pillars, where in the
past there were 23 statues of the king. This is where the famous statue
of Chafre with a falcon comes from (now in the Cairo Museum)
The entrance to the pyramid was vainly sought in 1817 by Giovanni
Caviglia. A year later, a strongman from Padua
Giovanni Belzoni found them. He discovered the so-called the upper
entrance, also penetrated the underground part of the pyramid. Older of
the two entrances is located on the surface about 30 m north of the