founded by the pharaoh Akhenaten. Abruptly abandoned following Akhenaten's
death, after an occupation of only about 25 to 30 years, el-Amarna is the
best preserved example of an Egyptian settlement of the New Kingdom,
including temples, palaces and large areas of mud brick private housing.
There are also two groups of rock-tombs (largely unfinished) at the
northern and southern ends of the semicircular bay of cliffs to the east
of the city, such as the priest Panehsy and chief of police Mahu. The
plundered and vandalized remains of the royal tomb of Akhenaten and his
family, several kilometers to the east of the cliffs, were rediscovered in
the late 1880's. Much of the western side of the city, including houses,
harbors and the main palace of the king, has now vanished under the
modern civilization. However, a large number of structures have been
preserved in the desert to the east, along with the wells, grain-silos,
bakeries and refuse dumps that comprise the basic framework of production
and consumption throughout the community.
Northern Tombs:
1 - Huy -
Superintendent of the Harem;
Overseer of the Double Treasury of the Great Royal Wife; Steward of Queen Tiji 2 - Meryre(2) - Royal Scribe; Overseer of the Double Treasury; Overseer of the Harem of the Great Royal Wife Nefertiti
3 - Ahmose - Royal
Scribe; Fan Bearer on the right of the King; Steward of the Akhenaten's
House; Overseer of the Court of Justice 4 - Meryre(1) -
High Priest of the Aten; Great of Seers of
the Aten in the House of Re; Fan Bearer on the Right of the King
5 - Pentu - Royal Scribe; Chief Physician of
the King; First Servant of the Aten in the Mansion of the Aten in
Akhetaten; The Two Legs of the Lord of the Two Lands; Chamberlain; One
Who Approaches the Person of the King; Noble of the First Rank Among the
Sole Companions; Chef of Chiefs 6 - Panehesy - Chief Servant of the
Aten in the House of the Aten in Akhetaten; Second Prophet of the Lord of
the Two Lands Neferkheperure-Waenre; Overseer of the Double Granary of
the Aten in Akhetaten; Overseer of Cattle of the Aten in the House of
the Aten
Southern Tombs:
7 - Parennefer -
Royal Craftsman, Pure of Hands; Overseer of All the Craftsmen of the
King; Overseer of All the Works of the King in the House of the Aten;
Foremost of Commoners; One Who Accompanies the Lord of the Two Lands in
Every Place; Overseer of Prophets of All the Gods 8 -
Tutu -
First Servant of Neferkheperure-Waenre in the House of the Aten in
Aketaten; First Servant of Akhenaten in wia-Barque; Overseer of All
Craftsmen of the Lord of the Two Lands; Overseer of All Works of His
Majesty; Overseer of Silver and Gold of the Lord of the Two Lands;
Overseer of the Treasure of the Aten in Akhetaten; Chief Spokesman of
the Entire Land
9 - Mahu -
Chief of the Police
of Akhenaten
10 - Ipy -
Royal Scribe;
High Steward; Overseer of the Great Harem of Pharaoh; Steward of Memphis 11 -
Ramose -
Royal Scribe;
Steward of Nebmaatre; Scribe of Recruits; General of the Lord of the Two
12 - Nakhtpaaten -
13 - Neferkhepruhersekheper -
Mayor of Akhenaten 14 - May -
of the Lord of the Two Lands; Overseer of the House of Pacifying the
Aten; Steward of Waenre in Heliopolis; Overseer of All Works of the
King; Royal Scribe; Scribe of Recruits; Overseer of Cattle of the Temple
of Re in Heliopolis; Fan Bearer on the Right of the King
15 - Suty -
Standard Bearer
of the Bodyguard of Neferkheperure-Waenre 16..18 -
19 - Sutau -
Overseer of the
Double Treasury of the Lord of the Two Lands 20..22 -
unknown 23 - Any -
Scribe; Scribe of Offerings of the Lord of the Two Lands; Scribe of
Offerings of the Aten; Steward of the House of Aakheperure (Amenhotep
24 - Paatenemheb -
Royal Scribe;
General of the Lord of the Two Lands; Overseer of Works in Akhetaten 25 - Ay -
God's Father;
Fan Bearer of the Right of the King; Overseer of All the Horses of the
Lord of the Two Lands; Royal Scribe; Chief of Archers 26
- The Royal Tomb 27 -
Unfinished tomb possibly meant for a member of the royal family. 28
- This tomb resembles the
tombs used for the Apis Bulls in Saqqara, and the remains of a bull or
oxen were at the dumpsite for materials from tomb 28. At first these
remains were thought to be part of an offering, but it's possible they
were the actual remains of the sacred bull. 29 - Princess
(?). A fragment of an amphora was found with text identifying the
object as belonging to the inner (burial) chamber of Neferneferure. The
burial of the princess in this separate tomb may imply that she died
some time after her father Akhenaten.
30 - Small unknown tomb, likely
meant for a private individual.