intended his own burial place to be in the cliffs of Amarna, as he decreed on his early boundary
stelae. He began cutting his tomb seven or eight miles east of the city.
Though it was unfinished when he died, he was most likely buried there.
The plan of the tomb was innovative, featuring a passage
(B) leading to a well
shaft(D), with a pillared
burial chamber (E) beyond it - all placed on the central axis. The two
staircases in the tomb feature a central ramp (A)
flanked by steps, which would have made it easier to lower the
sarcophagus. Because the native rock was of poor quality, the walls were
plastered and the decoration then chisled into the plaster. The well
room features scenes of the royal family worshiping the Aten. The back
wall of the burial chamber (E) continues this
theme. The tomb is also noteworthy in having two additional suites of
rooms off the main axis, probably intended for family members. A series
of six rooms (M,N) opening off corridor (J)
is unfinished and undecorated, and may have been intended for Nefertiti
or Tiji. The other suite (G,
H, I) accommodated the
burial of princess Maketaton. Room (G) was
decorated with scenes of the worship of the rising and setting sun, with
wonderful details, are a visual rendering of The Great Hymn to Aten.
Maarten Raven and Edwin C. Brock have identified fragments of
sarcophagus for queen Tiji, suggesting that she was buried here as well.
In the tomb were founded many ushebti figures, fragments of king canopic
chest and faience throw stick, glass beads and rods, alabaster bowls and
jars, and stone bowls bearing the names og kings Tuthmosis III and
Khafre (!).
A, C - steps
with ramp B - corridor
D - well shaft E- burial chamber F - unfinished pit
v - points to the location of a niche in the wall
S - Akhenaten's sarcophagus (on low plinth) α, β, γ - part of a tomb intended for princess
Maketaten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - unfinished part of a tomb intended
for queen
Nefertiti or Tiji
Akhenaten restored sarcophagus outside Cairo Museum