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Manetho Chronicle

Manetho was a priest from Heliopolis, Egyptian by birth. Probably on Ptolemy I and recommendation he started to compile Egyptian history. This work entitled “Aegyptiaka”, was written in Greek and finally completed circa 271 BC. In his manuscript Manetho attempted to describe Egyptian history from mythical times onwards to the death of Alexander the Great. According to his count there were 30 Dynasties ruling over Egypt. To Manetho we owe also many interesting details from rulers’ life. Unfortunately, his work got lost and all we know recently comes from short transcripts and summaries of historians after Manetho: Josephus Flavius (I AD), Sextus Julius Africanus (III AD), Eusebius of Cesarea (III/IV AD), and Byzantine historian George Syncellos (VIII AD). Mistakes made by copiers reduce historical value of Manethos’ work. For instance: Josephus Flavius assigned to Menes duration of 62 years of ruling, Eusebius - 30 years, while Syncellos - 60 years.
The register of names of rulers from first six dynasties and the length of their ruling according to Flavius / Africanus and Eusebius count are presented beneath:

          I Dynasty
8 kings from This, 253 years (Africanus) or 252 (Eusebius) or 258 (Syncellos)
Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Narmer Μηνης Menes


Μηνης Menes


Aha Aθωθις Athothis


Aθωθις Athothis


Djer Κενκενης Kenkenes


Κενκενης Kenkenes


Djet Ουενεφης Wenefes


Ουενεφης Wenefes


Den Ουσαφαιδoς Usafaidos


Ουσαφαης Usafais


Andjib Μιεβιδoς Miebidos


Nιεβαης Niebais


Semerkhet Σεμεμψης Semempses


Σεμεμψης Semempses


Qa'a Βιηνεχης Bieneches


Ουβιενθης Ubienthes


          II Dynasty
9 kings from This, 297 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Hotepsekhemui Βoηθoς Boethos 38 Βωχος Bochos -
Reneb Καιεχως Kaiechos 39 Χωος Choos -
Ninetjer Βίνωθρις Binothris 47 Βίοφις Biophis -
Weneg Τλας Thlas 17       
Senedj Σεθενης Sethenes 41       
? Χαιρης Chaires 17       
Neferkare (Aaka) Nεφερχερης Nefercheres 26         
Neferkasokar Σεσωχρις Sesochris 48 Σεσωχρις Sesochris 48
Khasekhemui Χενερης Cheneres 30 Χενερης Cheneres 30

          III Dynasty
kings from This (Africanus)
8 kings from Memphis, 198 years (Eusebius)

          IV Dynasty
kings from This (Africanus)
17 kings from Memphis, 448 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Snofru Σωρις Soris 29      
Khufu Σoυφις Suphis 63 Σoυφις Souphis
Khafre Σoυφις Suphis 66      
Menkaure Mενχερης Mencheres 63      
Djedefre Ρατoισης Ratoises 25      
Baka Bιχερης Bicheris 22      
Shepseskaf Σεβερχερης Sebercheres 7      
Ptahdjedef Θαμφθις Tamphtis 9      

          V Dynasty
9 kings from Elephantine, 248 years (Africanus)
31 kings from Elephantine, 100(?) years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus
Weserkaf Ουσερχερης Usercheres 28
Sahure Σεφρης Sephres 13
Neferirkare Kakai Νεφερχερης Nephercheres 20
Shepseskare Σισιρης Sisires 7
Neferefre Χερης Cheres 20
Niuserre Ραθουρης Rathures 44
Menkauhor Μενχερης Mencheres 9
Djedkare Isesi Τανχερης Tancheres 44
Wenis Οννος Onnos 33

          VI Dynasty
6 kings from Memphis, 203 years (Africanus and Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Teti Οθοης Othoes - Οθoης Othoes -
Pepi I Φιος Phios 53
Nemtiemsaf I Μεθουσουφις Methusuphis 7      
Pepi II Φιωψ Phiops 99 Φιωψ Phiops 94
Nemtiemsaf II Μενφεσουφις Mentesuphis 1      
Neitikret Νιτωκρις Nitocris 12 Νιτωκρις Nitocris -

 VII - XI Dynasties

Julius Africanus

Eusebius  from Cezarei

VII 70 kings from Memphis, 70 days 5 kings from Memphis, 75 days
VIII 27 kings from Memphis, 146 years 5 kings from Memphis, 100 years
IX 19 kings from Heracleopolis, 409 years 4 kings from Heracleopolis, 100 years
              Aχθoης               Akhtoes              (Kheti II)
X 19 kings from Heracleopolis, 185 years 19 kings from Heracleopolis, 185 years
XI 16 kings from Thebes, 43 years 16 kings from Diospolis, 43 years

          XII Dynasty
7 kings from Diospolis, 160 years (Africanus) or 245 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Amenemhat I Aμμενεμης Ammenemes -


Ammenemes 16
Senweseret I Σεσονχοσις Sesonchosis 46


Sesonchosis 46
Amenemhat II Aμμανεμης Ammanemes 38


Ammanemes 68
Senweseret III Σεσωστρις Sesostris 48


Sesostris 48
Amenemhat III Aμμερης Ammeres 8


Lamares 8
Amenemhat IV Aμμενεμης Ammenemes 8


Sobekneferure Σκεμιoφρις Skemiophris 4



          XIII - XIV
XIII 60 kings from Thebes, 453 years (Africanus and Eusebius)
XIV 76 kings from Xsois, 184 years (Africanus and Eusebius) (484 at Syncellos)

          XV Dynasty
6 foreign kings from Phenicia, 284 years (Africanus)
kings from Diospolis, 250 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus (XV Dynasty) Eusebius of Cesarea (XVII Dynasty)
Salitis Σαιτης


19 Σαιτης


Sheshi (Bnon) Βνων


44 Βνων


Yakobner Παχναν


Khian Στααν


Khamudi Aρχλης


61 Aφωφις


Apopi Aφοβις


49 Aρχλης



          XVI Dynasty
32 królów pasterskich, 518 years (Africanus)
kings w Thebes, 190 years (Eusebius of Cesarea)

          XVII Dynasty
43 shepherd kings and 43 kings from Thebes, 151 years (Africanus)
4 kings from Memphis, 103 years (Eusebius)

          XVIII Dynasty
16 kings from Thebes, 263 years (Africanus)
14 kings from Diospolis, 348 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Ahmose I Aμως Amos - Aμωσις Amosis 25
Tuthmosis II Χεβρως Chebros 13 Χεβρων Chebron 13
Amenhotep I Αμενωφθις Amenophtis 24 Aμμενωφίς Ammenophis 21
Tuthmosis I Μισαφρις Misaphris 13 Μιφρης Miphres 12
Hatshepsut Αμενσις Amensis 22      
Tuthmosis III Μισφραγμουθωσις Misfragmuthosis 26 Μισφραγμουθωσις Mysfarmuthosis 26
Tuthmosis IV Τουθμωσις Tuthmosis 9 Τουθμωσις Tuthmosis 9
Amenhotep II Αμενωφις Amenophis 31 Aμενωφις Amenophis 31
Amenhotep III Ωρος Oros 37 Ωρος Oros 36
Akhenaten Αχερρης Acherres 32      
?       Aχενχερσης Achencherses 16(12)
Tutankhamun Ραθως Rathos 6 Aθωρις Athoris 39(8)
? Χεβρης Chebris  12 Χενχερης Chencheres 16
? Aχερρης Acherres 12 Aχερρης Acherres 8
?         Cherres 15
Horemheb Aρμεσης Armesis 5 Aρμαις Armais 5
Ramesses I Ραμεσσης Ramesses 1 Ραμεσσης Ramesses 68
? Αμενωφαθ Amenophath 19 Aμενωφις Amenophis 40

          XIX Dynasty
6 kings from Thebes, 209 years (Africanus)
5 kings from Diospolis, 194 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Seti I Σεθως Sethos 51 Σεθως Sethos 55
Ramesses II Ραψακης Rapsakes 61 Ραμψης Rampses
66 (68)
Merenptah Aμενεφθης Amenephtes 20 Aμμενεφθίς Ammenephtis 8(40)
? Ραμεσσης Rameses 60      
Amenemose Aμμενεμνης Ammenemnes 5 Aμμενεμης Ammenemes 26
Tawosret Θουωρις Thouris 7 Θουωρις Thouris 7

          XX Dynasty
12 kings from Thebes, 135 years (Africanus)
12 kings from Diospolis, 178 years (Eusebius)

          XXI Dynasty
7 kings from Tanis, 130 years (Africanus and Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Smendes I Σμενδης Smendes 26 Σμενδις Smendes 26
Psusennes I Ψουσεννης Psusennes 46 Ψουσεννης Psusennes 41(46)
Amenemose Νεφελχερης Nephelcheres 4 Νεφερχερης Nephercheres 4
Amenemipet Aμενωφθίς Amenophtis 9 Aμμενωφθις Ammenophtis 9
Osokhor Oσοχωρ Osokhor 6 Oσοχωρ Osokhor 6
Siamun Ψιναχης Psinaches 9 Ψιναχης Psinaches 9
Psusennes II Ψουσεννης Psusennes 30 Ψουσεννης Psusennes (35)

          XXII Dynasty
9 kings from Bubastis, 120 years (Africanus)
3 kings from Bubastis, 49 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus - Eusebius of Cesarea
Sheshonq I Σεσονχωσις Sesonchosis 21
Osorkon I Oσορθων Osorthon 15
Takelot I Τακελωθις Takelothis 13

          XXIII Dynasty
4 kings from Tanis, 89 years (Africanus)
3 kings from Tanis (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Petubastis I Πετουβατης Petubates 40 Πετουβαστις Petubastis 25
Iuput I           10
Osorkon III Oσορχω Osorcho 8 Oσορθων Osorthon 9
  Ψαμμους Psammus 10 Ψαμμους Psammus 10
  Ζητ Zet 31      

          XXIV Dynasty (Sais)
      Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Bakenrenef Βοχχωρις Bochoris 6 44

          XXV Dynasty
3 ethiopian kings, 40 (Africanus) or 44 years (Eusebius)
    Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Shabaka Σαβακων Sabacon 8 12
Shabataka Σεβιχως Sebichos 14 12
Taharka Ταρκος Tarkos 18 20

          XXVI Dynasty
9 kings from Sais, 150 years and 6 months (Africanus) or 167 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Ammeris       Aμμερις Ammeris 12
Stephinates Στεφινατης Stephinathis 7 Στεφιναθις Stephinathis 7
Nekaub Στεφινατης Nechepsos 6 Νεχεψως Nechepsos 6
Nekau I Νεχαω Nechao 8 Νεχαω Nechao 8
Psametik I Ψαμμητιχος Psammetikhos 54 Ψαμμητιχος Psammetikhos 45
Necho II Νεχαω Nechao 6 Νεχαω Nechao 3
Psametik II Ψαμμουθις Psammuthis 6 Ψαμμουθις Psammuthis 17
Apries Ουαφρις Uaphris 19 Ουαφρις Uaphris 25
Amasis Aμωσις Amosis 44 Aμωσις Amosis 42
Psametik III Ψαμμεχεριτης Psammecherites 6 mon.      

          XXVII Dynasty
8 persian kings, 124 years and 4 months (Africanus) or 120 years (Eusebius)
  Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Cambyzes II Καμβυσης Cambyses 6 Καμβυσης   3
?       Μαγοι Magoi 7 mon.
Darius I Δαρειος Dareios 36 Δαρειος Dareios 36
Xserxes I Ξερξης Kserkses 21 Ξερξης Kserkses 21
? Aρταβανος Artabanos 7 mon.      
Artaxerxes I Aρταξερξης Artakserkses 41 Aρταξερξης Artakserkses 40
Xerxes II Ξερξης Kserkses 2 mon. Ξερξης Kserkses 2 mon.
Sogdianos Σογδιανος Sogdianos 7 mon. Σογδιανος Sogdianos 7 mon.
Darius II Δαρειος Dareios 19 Δαρειος Dareios 19

          XXVIII Dynasty (Sais)
  Julius Africanus - Eusebius of Cesarea
Amyrtaeus Aμυρτεος Amyrteos 6

          XXIX Dynasty
4 kings from Mendes, 20 years and 4 months (Africanus) or 21 years and 4 months (Eusebius)
      Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Nefaarud I Νεφεριτης Nepherites 6 6
Akhoris Aχωρις Achoris 13 13
Psammuthis Ψαμμουθις Psammuthis 1 1
Nefaarud II Νεφεριτης Nepherites - 4 months
Muthis Μουθις Muthis - 1

          XXX Dynasty
3 kings from Sebennytos, 38 years (Africanus) or 20 years (Eusebius)
Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Nectanebo I Νεκτανέβης Nectanebes 18 10
Djedhor Τεως Teos 2 2
Nectanebo II Νεκτανεβος Nectanebos 18 8

      Julius Africanus Eusebius of Cesarea
Artaxerxes III Ωχος Ochos 2 2
Arses Aρσης Aroges 3 4
Darius Δαρειος Dareios 4 6

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