Thirtieth Dynasty took up the torch of the Twenty-ninth (Mendesian) Dynasty when
Nectanebo, a general from Sebennytos, dethroned Nepherites II by force. In
thirty-eight years, three pharaohs — Nectanebo I, Djedhor and Nectanebo II —
wrote the history of the last native
dynasty, succeeding, despite palace
crises, in dotting the land with splendid monuments of stone and maintaining a
prosperous, independent status for Egypt, which remained alone in the face of
the enormous Persian empire. In the temples, they undertook vast programs of
architectural embellishment, including enclosure walls, propylons, processional
roads, shrines, and monoliths. To view the transcription of kings titulary properly, please
download and install transliteration font.
380 - 361
380-362 (Dodson, Grimal, von Beckerath) 380/79-361/60 (Arnold)
Nectanebo I
Hr TmA-a
, Nectanebis(Nectanebes)
Ka Of Re Has Come Into Being)
nxt-nb.f Nekhetnebef (Strong Of His
(Nectanebos) is a Greek form of Egyptian name: Nekhet-nebef
Founder of the last true Egyptian dynasty. Gained protection of priests
from Sais by assigning to them a part of import taxes imposed to the
city of Naucratis. He concluded a treaty with Athens but after a time
Greek chieftain Khabias and considerable part of
Greek mercenaries were recalled back to Athens. Subsequently, Egypt was
attacked by Artaxerxes
II, whose mighty army of 200 thousand
soldiers was commanded by Syrian satrap Farnabasos.
They reached as far as to the eastern Delta in 373 BC. Nile inundation
prevented Persians from continuing their march and forced them to
was remembered as a great builder, left numerous monuments as a
testimony of the splendour of his reign.
Irimaatenre (Who
Brings Forth The Order Of Re)
stp.n-ini-Hrt(.inHr) Setepeninhor
and successor of Nectanebo I. He continued the politics adopted by his
father and lead to increased imposition of duties paid for Greek
mercenaries. Disfavoured by clergy, confiscated a lot of temple
treasuries.To this period are dated the first preserved Egyptian
coins. He personally lead a successful campaign to Syria, supported at
the sea by 200 triers. At that time in Egypt his brother, who was a
regent, rebelled against him and declared king his own son – Nectanebo
II, while Teos fled to Persia.
snDm-ib-ra stp.n-imn Senedjemibre
Setepenamun (Chosen Of Amun)
Nekhetherhebet Merihathor
(Horus Strong Of Hebet ; Beloved Of Hathor)
(Horus Strong Of Hebet)
(Nectanebos) is a Greek form of Egyptian name: Nekhet-Her-hebet
(nxt Hr-xbt).
Nectanebo II was the last king of true Egyptian dynasty. In 350 BC
Persian expedition against Egypt fails due to pestilence outburst in
Persian army. However few years later a mighty army of 300 thousand
Persian soldiers, lead by Artaxerxes
III Okhos,
defeated much weaker Egyptians. Nectanebo hat to flee to the south where
he had survived for some time thereafter until finally disappeared
without leaving any trace.