V does not appear a continuation of the preceding royal lineage,
although an opinion of a link between both dynasties in the form of
Khentkawes, daughter of
Menkaure, is very probable. With no doubt we
have to do with a triumph of Heliopolitan theology. A later story based
on historical events describes circumstances of birth of three first
kings of the Dynasty V. They were supposed to be sons of the god Re from
a village of Sakhebu near Heliopolis by Raweser,
wife of
Redjdjeded, one of priests worshipping the primeval god Re. Under
the Dynasty V the solar cult gained much importance and the rulers,
starting with Sahure, assume the name of sA-ra - Son of Re. Pyramids, no more as monumental as
under the preceding Dynasty, were built in the close neighborhood of
solar temples. Expeditions to Sinai and Asia, as well as to Libya and
Nubia were sent as previously. To view the transcription of
kings titulary
properly, please
download and install transliteration font.
Hr ir mAat Horus Irimaat (Horus, Who Does What Is Right)
(Nebti Name)
nb.ti ir mAat Nebti Irimaat (The Two Ladies, Who Does What Is Right)
(Golden Horus Name)
nfr bik nbw Nefer Bik Nebu
(The Golden Falcon Is Perfect)
Abydos Table (Nomen & Prenomen)
wsr kA.f Weserkaf (His Ka
Is Strong)
was of non-royal descent. He acquired right to the throne by marrying the
daughter of Menkaure, the princess
Khentkawes, and
additionally by deriving his origin of the god Re and introducing to royal
protocol title of sA-ra
– Son of Re. It is believed that he was father of kings Sahure and
Neferirkare, succeeding him on the throne. Another view, being in
concordance with a story of Westcar papyrus is represented by W. Helck and
R. Stadelmann. They assume that three first rulers of
dynasty V were brothers, sons of queen Khentkawes.
Palermo Stone mentions events of years 2-7 of Userkaf’s rule. Burial place
– pyramid at Saqqara.
Turin Canonsays about 7 years of rule while according to Manethon Userkaf ruled 28
years. Palermo Stone mentions some events at 2-7 years of his rule, among
others building of tomb structure at Sakkara, offerings and bestowing of
landed estates, building of chapels, foundations. He erected solar temple at
Abusir thus developing and strengthening cult of Re.
Hr nb xaw Horus Nebkhau
(Horus, The Lord Of Apparitions)
(Nebti Name)
nb.ti nb xaw Nebti Nebkhau
(The Two Ladies, The Lord Of Apparitions)
(Golden Horus Name)
bik(w) nbw Bikau-Nebu
(The Two Golden Falcons)
Abydos Table
(Nomen & Prenomen)
sAHw ra Sahure (He Who Is Close To Re)
brother of Neferirkare, son of queen Khentkawes
I and presumably Weserkaf – the founder of the
dynasty. Turin Canon mentions 12 years of
reign while Palermo Stone in two-year cycle – a total of 14 years, Manetho
in turn gives him 13 years of rule. Expeditions into Sinai and the land of
Punt are documented in Palermo Stone, reliefs and texts on stone blocks. It
is known a fact of exploitation of diorite quarries near Abu Simbel. Burial
place of the ruler became the funerary complex with a 50 m high
pyramid at Abusir. Moreover the complex was composed of: finely
decorated mortuary temple, cult pyramid, ramp leading to relatively well
preserved lower temple.
Hr wsr xaw Horus Weserkhau
(Horus, The Force That Has Appeared)
(Nebti Name)
nb.ti wsr xaw Nebti Wserkhaw
(The One Who Appears With The Two Ladies)
nb.ti xa m Nebti Kauem
(Two Ladies, Strong Of Apparitions)
(Golden Horus Name)
sxm.w nbw Sekhemw-Nebw(The Golden Powers)
nfr ir kA ra Neferirkare (Beautiful Is All The Soul Of Re)
Abydos Table
kAkAi Kakai
(Re Has Appeared)
of Sahure, son of queen Khentkawes
I and presumably
Weserkaf, the founder of the dynasty. As annals in
Palermo Stone end up
with Neferirkare’s rule it has been suggested that they might have been
compiled under his rule. Burial place of the king was
pyramid at Abusir, designed initially as 6-step pyramid 52 m high,
but later it was extended to the form of typical pyramid and it reached
height of 72 m. Mortuary complex is unfinished, only part of lower
mortuary temple was completed before, as supposed, abandoning the
Hr sxm xaw Horus Sekhemkhaw(Horus, The Power That Has Appeared)
wsr nTr Netjeriwser (The Strong One
Of The God)
Spss kA ra
(Noble Is
The Soul Of Re)
Turin Canon and Manetho give to this
king seven years of rule. Artifacts of these times are: a scarab, two cylinder seals
and four clay sealings from Abusir, where also the king must have been buried.
Stadelmann ascribed to him a dig-out under
pyramid north of Sahure’s one.
Hr nfr xaw Horus Neferkhaw
(Horus, Beautiful Of Apparitions)
(Nebti Name)
nb.ti nfr m Nefer-em Nebti (The One Who Is Beautiful With The Two
(Golden Horus Name)
nTr nbw nfr Nefer Bik-Nebw (The Golden Falcon
Is Beautiful)
Abydos Table
nfr=f ra Neferefre (Beautiful Is Re)
isi Isi
(Re Has
Appeared, Strong of Heart)
nfr xai ra
Neferkhare (The Soul
Of Re Is Beautiful)
of pharaoh Neferirkare by queen Khentkawes
II, brother of Niuserre.
His seven years of rule, as assigned to him by Turin Canon, seems to be
overestimated. He could not have ruled more than 2-3 years. Premature death
of the king made his successor complete hastily building works on
pyramid at Abusir which finally acquired a form of mastaba. Also all
other buildings of Neferefre’s mortuary complex were erected under
Niuserre’s rule. While exploring ruins of the mortuary complex Czech
archeological mission discovered among others papyri of temple accounts,
statues of the king, decorated plates and many seal prints.
In 1980, Czech archaeologists found five small fragments of human bones in
the eastern half of the burial chamber. Survey have shown that these are the
remains of a man aged 20-23, probably pharaoh Neferefre, and fragments of a
red granite sarcophagus.
Hr s.t-ib tA.wi Horus Setibtawi (Horus, Whose Favorite Place
Are Both Lands)
(Nebti Name)
s.t-ib nb.ti Setib Nebti(The Favorite Of
The Two Ladies)
(Golden Horus Name)
sbik nbw nTr(i) Bik-Nebw Netjer(i)(The
Golden Horus Is Divine)
Abydos Table
n(i) wsr ra Niuserre (Possessed
Of Re's Power)
iny Ini
of pharaoh Neferirkare by queen Khentkawes
II, brother of Neferefre.
Turin Canon gives 25 years of rule to him. Burial place –
pyramid at Abusir located between those of Sahure and Neferirkare. Its
initial height was ca. 50 m, length of the side at base 79 m and angle of
the slope 52o. In the neighborhood was buried also wife of the
ruler, queen Reput-Nebu. At Abu Gurab he
built magnificent temple of solar cult,
Joy of Re. The temple had been crowned with characteristic, 36 m high
obelisk placed on 20 m base. War campaigns to Libya and Asia are mentioned
in documents of that period however no other evidence of war activities of
this ruler are known to us.
Hr mn xa.w Horus Menkhaw (Horus, Stable Of Apparition)
(Golden Horus Name)
bik nbw HD Bik-Nebw Hedj(The Golden Horus Shines )
Abydos Table
mn kA.w Hr Menkauhor (Eternal Like The Souls Of Horus)
ikA.w Hr Ikauhor
Kaiu(Re Has Appeared)
Saqqara Table
mn kA.w
Hr Menkauhor (Eternal Like The Souls Of Horus)
Turin Canon
Canon assigns to him 8 years of rule. Burial place of the ruler has not been
localized to date. Possibly it was either
pyramid at Dahshur, located north-east of the Red Pyramid of Snofru or
so called
“headless” pyramid in northern Saqqara.
King Mankauhor with certainty was worshipped during the New Kingdom.
Hr Dd xa.w
Horus Djed Kau(Horus,
Firm Of Apparitions)
(Nebti Name)
nb.ti Dd xa.w Nebti Djed Kau
(The Two Ladies, Who
Is Firm Of Apparitions )
(Golden Horus Name)
Dd bik nbw Bik-Nebw Djed(The Golden Horus Is Firm)
Abydos Table
Dd kA ra Djedkare (The Soul Of Re Endures)
issi Isesi
Saqqara Table
mAa.t kA ra
Turin Canon
king’s name is found in biographic inscription of a tomb of Senedjemib,
the overseer of building works who was responsible for erecting the
ruler’s funerary complex. He is also mentioned in introduction to the
Precepts of Ptahhotep dedicated to the king, as well as in the Royal
List of Karnak. Turin Canon gives 28 years of rule, Manetho – 44.
Information coming from population registers (performed every 2 years)
comprise 21 register (papyrus of Abusir) and, based on recently
discovered inscription in mastaba of Idu at Abusir, 14 register of
population. Burial place – pyramid at Saqqara.
Traces of his rule were found at Wadi Maghara in Sinai and Nubia (Wadi
Halfa, Toshka, Buhen). Son of the ruler and his heir to the throne was
prince Remkwi, who died
prematurely before Unas ascended the throne; his daughters were:
and Hedjetnebu.
Hr wAD tA.wi Horus Wadjtawi(Horus,
The Flourishing One Of
The Two Lands)
(Nebti Name)
wAD m nb.ti Nebti Wadj-em (The One Who Flourishes With The Two Ladies)
(Golden Horus Name)
wAD bik nbw Bik-Nebw Wadj (The Golden Horus Who Flourishes)
sA ra wnis
Sa Ra Unas(Unas, Son
Of Re)
Abydos Table
Saqqara Table
Papirus z Turynu
(Prenomen i Nomen)
ruled 30 years according to Turin Canon ,
or 33 according to Manetho. He had two wives, queen
Nebet, the mother of prince Wenisankh,
and queen Khenut, presumably the mother of
princess Iput who later was married to pharaoh Teti, the first ruler of
dynasty VI. Trade contacts with Asiatic cities became at those times a
tradition, also facts of war expeditions against Bedouins Shasu are known.
Burial place of the ruler – pyramid in
west-south Saqqara. Unis’ ancestors are not known. He might have to do
something with king Djedkare, however this hypothesis is not built on strong
base. It is known that Unis’ wives originated from royal families. J. Ph.
Lauer places Unis at the beginning of the next, VIth dynasty and thus
ranking him as its founder