is a part of necropolis of ancient Memphis, situated midway between Giza
and Saqqara, are undoubtedly our best source of information concerning
the day-to-day functioning of Old Kingdom pyramid complexes. At least
four fifth-dynasty pharaohs (Sahure,
Neferefre, and
Neweserre) chose
Abusir as the location for their funerary monuments. The ancient names
given to their pyramids were The
Ba Of Sahure Rises ; Neferirkare Has Become A Ba ; The Bas Of Neferefre
Are Divine, and The Places Of Neweserre Are Enduring.
In addition to these four pyramids, there was an unfinished complex at
the northeastern end of the site that may have belonged to Neferirkare's
ephemeral successor, Shepseskare. In
1838, the pyramids of Sahure, Neferirkare, and Neweserra were first
surveyed and partially cleared by John Perring, who reached the burial
chamber of Sahura, finding only part of a basalt sarcophagus. Five years
later, the pioneering German Egyptologist
Richard Lepsius undertook further survey work at Abusir. His
compatriot Ludwig Borchardt fully excavated the three funerary complexes
between 1902 and 1908. On the west from pyramid of Khentkawes II there
is field of mastabas from V Dynasty, mastabas of
Khekeretnebty, Hedjetnebu, Mernefu, Neserkauhor,
Idu and Khenit. |