Area in the Theban necropolis
(25o44'N, 32o36'E). The site is named after a modern
village and is located between the Asasif in
the north and east and Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in
the west. The exact meaning of the name Khokha is unclear, although
it has been translated as peachor vault.
In Egyptian Arabic , the term is used to describe an opening in a wall,
a gate,
or a wicketgate,
possibly referring to the entrances of the local rock-cut tombs. The
private tombs of the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period and
several tombs of the XVIII and XIX dynasties were investigated by Egyptian,
British, German and Hungarian expeditions. The unique tomb of the
chief steward Amenemhat, also called Surer (TT48), was one of the largest
and most important private tombs of the New Kingdom. The inner, rock-cut
part of the tomb extends for almost 60 meters into the rock, its four main
rooms contain seventy columns and pillars to support the ceiling.
- Puimre, Second
Prophet of Amon, time Hatszepsut
48 -
Amenemhat (Surer),
High Steward, at the Head
of the King, Overseer of the Cattle of Amun, time of Amenhotep III.
49 - Neferhotep,
Chief Scribe of Amun,
time of Aye II
172 - Mentiywi,
Royal Butler, Child of
the Nursery, time of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II
173 - Khay, Scribe of Divine Offerings of the Gods of Thebes, XIX Dynasty
174 - Ashaihet, Priest in
Front of Mut, XX Dynasty
175 - [unknown],
time of Tuthmosis IV (?)
176 - Amenuserhet,
Servant Clean of Hands,
time of Amenhotep II and Tuthmosis IV
177 - Amenemopet,
Scribe of Truth in the
Ramesseum in the Estate of Amun, time of Rameses II
178 - Kenro
(Neferrenpet), Scribe of Amon, time of Ramesses
179 - Nebamun,
Scribe, Counter of Grain
in the Granary of Divine Offerings of Amun, time of
180 - [unknown], XIX Dynasty
181 - Ipuky(Nebamon), Sculptor
at the Court, time of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV
182 - Amenemhat,
Scribe of the Maat,
time of Tuthmosis III
183 - Nebsumenu,
Chief Steward, Steward
in the House of Rameses II, time of Rameses II
184 - Nefermenu, Mayor of Thebes, Royal Scribe,
time of Rameses II
185 - Senioker,
Hereditary Prince,
Divine Chancellor, First Intermediate Period
186 - Ihy, Nomarch, First Intermediate Period
187 - Pakhihet,
Wab-Priest of Amun, XX Dynasty
188 - Parennefer, Majordomusof Amenhotep IV
198 - Riya, Head
of the Magazine of Amun in Karnak, Ramesside
199 - Amenarnefru, Overseer
of the Store-Rooms, XVIII Dynasty
200 - Dedi, Governor of the Deserts on the West of Thebes, Head of the Troops of
Pharaoh, time of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II
201 - Re, First Herald of the King, time of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep
202 - Nakhtamun,
Prophet of Ptah Lord of
Thebes, Priest in Front of Amun, XIX-XX Dynasty.
203 - Wennefer,
Divine Father of Mut,
time of Ramesses II
204 - Nebanensu,
Sailor of the High
Priest of Amun, XVIII Dynasty
205 - Tutmosis,
Royal Butler, time
of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II
206 - Ipuemheb,
Scribe of the Place of
Truth, XX Dynasty
207 - Horemheb,
Scribe of Divine
Offerings of Amun, time of Ramesses III
208 - Roma, Divine Father of Amun-Ra, XX Dynasty
209 - Seremhatrekhyt,
Hereditary Prince, Sole
Beloved Friend, Late Period
238 - Neferweben,
Royal butler clean of
hands, XVIII Dynasty
241 - Ahmose,
Scribe of Divine Writings, Child of the Nursery, Head of the
Mysteries in the House of the Morning, time of Tuthmosis III
245 - Hori, Scribe of Divine Writings, Child of the Nursery, Head of the
Mysteries in the House of the Morning, time of Tuthmosis III
246 - Senenre, Scribe,
time of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III
247 - Samut, Scribe, Counter of Cattle of Amun, time of Tuthmosis IV and
Amenhotep III
248 - Tutmosis,
Maker of Offerings of
Thutmose III,time of Amenhotep II
253 - Khnummose, Scribe of Amon, time of Amenhotep III
254 - Mose (Amenmose),Supervisor of the
Treasury, time of Tutankhamun or Ai
256 - Nebenkemet,
Overseer of the Cabinet,
Fanbearer, Child of the Nursery, time of Amenhotep II
257 - Mahu (Neferhotep),
Scribe, Counter of Grain
of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep III;
258 - Menkheper,
Child of the Nursery,
Royal Scribe of the House of the Royal Children, time of Tuthmosis
264 - Ipiy, Overseer of Cattle, Chief of the Lord of
the Two Lands, time of Ramesses II and Merenptah.
294 - Amenhotep,
Overseer of the Granary
of Amun, time of Amenhotep III
295 - Paroy (Tuhmosis), Sem-Priest in the Good House,
Embalmer, time of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III (?)
296 - Nefersekheru (Pabasa), Scribe of Divine
Offerings of All Gods, Officer of the Treasury, time of Ramesses II 362
- Paanemwaset, Wab-Pirest
of Amun, XIX-XX Dynasty
363 - Paraemheb,
Overseer of Singers of
Amun, XIX-XX Dynasty
365 - Nefermenu,
Overseer of Wig-Makers
of Amun in Karnak, Scribe of the Treasury of Amun, time of
Tuthmosis III 369 - Khaemwaset,
High Priest of Ptah,
Third Priest of Amun, XIX Dynasty
370 - Nebneszem, King's
Scribe,time of Ramesses II and Merenptah
371 - [unknown], XX Dynasty
372 - Amenkhau,
Overseer of Carpenters
of the Temple of King Ramesses III, time of Rameses III
373 - Amenmessu,
Scribe of the Altar of
the Lord of the Two Lands, time of Ramesses II 374 - Amenemopet,
Treasury Scribe in the
Ramesseum, XIX Dynasty 405 - Khenti,
Nomarch, First
Intermediate Period