Valley of the Kings
- KV60 tomb of Sitre - XVIIIth
The tomb was excavated by
Howard Carter in 1903 and then
closed again. An inscription on one coffin bore the name and title,
royal nurse. In has been thought by some to be Sit-Ra, called In, royal
nurse of Hatshepsut. The other, still unidentified mummy remained in
situ. Some Egyptologists (Elizabeth Thomas) suggested it might be the mummy of Hatshepsut,
relocated by Tuthmosis III. In 1903 Howard Carter closed the tomb again
after a brief examination and removal of some mummified geese. In 1906
Edward Ayrton and Edward Russel removed the mummy of Sitre from tomb to
Egyptian Museum in Cairo. In 1989-90 Donald Ryan of Pacific Lutheran
University conducted exploration after re-locating tomb. A wooden box
was built to hold one mummy, and a metal cover was set over the pit